Courtney Little Axe
Northern Cheyenne
Absentee Shawnee & Seminole
Courtney Little Axe is Northern Cheyenne, Absentee Shawnee and Seminole and grew up on the Northern Cheyenne reservation in Montana. She is an artist, designer and creator of ALTRN8V; a fashion brand that pairs contemporary alternative fashion with Cheyenne/Shawnee/Seminole elements. Presently, Courtney’s expertise lies within beadwork, quillwork, applique, painting, and sewing. Her style can be described as eclectic, contemporary, and alternative.
As Courtney grew up, she continually had a desire to stand out from the crowd; to be unique and memorable. This characteristic can be exhibited in her art through the type of materials and designs she utilizes.
Courtney draws inspiration from multiple subjects; including her tribes histories, tribal designs, her life experiences, and her taste in music. Courtney's overall goal for her art is to help boost visibility of alt Indigenous people like herself.